Journal of Powder Technology and Advanced Functional Materials <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><img src="/public/site/images/jpgtech/JPTAFMArtboard-1-1001.jpg" alt="" width="153" height="216" align="left" hspace="20">Journal of Powder Technology and Advanced Functional Materials is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes an international journal of original research articles and reviews articles in all areas of science and technology research on powder and particulate materials as advanced functional materials.</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">All manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous peer-review process, to ensure quality and originality. Approval by at least two independent reviewers and the editor is the prerequisite for acceptance of a manuscript for publication. The manuscript can be submitted via <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Online Submission System</a>.</p> en-US (Journal Admin) (admin) Tue, 31 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Additions Concentration of Encapsulant on Biang Clone Purple Sweet Potatoes "Chips" As Natural Dye Powder <p>The purpose of this study was to obtain maltodextrin with the appropriate concentration of purple sweet potato anthocyanin extract to produce natural dye powder preparations with the best physical and chemical characteristics. The research method used is Experimental Method) by using Group Random Design (GRD). The experiment consisted of three treatments and each was repeated four times, with the treatment obtained in cassava purple with a concentration of 35.4 mg/100gr anthocyanin extract. The next stage was to&nbsp; determine the best concentration of maltodextrin Consisting of four treatments and each repeated three times. The anthocyanin pigment powder of purple sweet potato with various treatments of maltodextrin concentration addition gave a significant effect on the soluble time, and yield, but did not give a significant effect on the total of anthocyanin, hygroscopicity and solubility. The treatment 10% of maltodextrin concentration addition resulted in best characteristic with total anthocyanin of 48.43 mg / L, color intensity L* (brightness) of 37.86, a* (redness) of 43.66, b* (yellow) of 21.68, water content of 5.56%, hygroscopicity of 11.62%, solubility of 97.13%, soluble time of 159 seconds, pH value of 3.04, and yield of 31.38%. The resulting<br>anthocyanin powder shows that the anthocyanin pigment powder of purple sweet potato with the maltodextrin concentration addition has the potential to serve as a natural dye powder for food and beverages.</p> Marleen Sunyoto, Hari Hariadi, Bambang Nurhadi, Agung Karuniawan Copyright (c) 2018 Marleen Sunyoto, Hari Haridi, Bambang Nurhadi, Agung Karuniawan Tue, 31 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Antifeedant Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Lantana camara Against Crocidolomia pavonana and Spodoptera litura <p>Chemical insecticides that have been intensively used to control cabbage caterpillars have become the main causes of pest resistance, high chemical residues in crop products and the decrease of biodiversity of natural enemies in the environment. Secondary metabolites from plant extract provide opportunities to be developed as bioinsecticides. The objective of this research was to evaluate the antifeedant effects of ethanolic leaf extract of <em>L. camara</em> &nbsp;on <em>Crocidolomia pavonana</em> and <em>Spodoptera litura</em> larvae for pre eliminary study. The crude extract was prepared by leaf maceration of <em>L. camara</em> leaf using ethanol, &nbsp;evaporation of the solvent, &nbsp;followed by antifeedant bioassay test. Leaf disc dipping method with choice and no choice tests used to find out the effective minimum concentration on feeding deterrent activity.&nbsp; The mean leaf area consumed were analyzed by using nonparametric statistics of Mann-Whitney U. The results showed that the minimum effective concentration of ethanolic leaf extract that deter the feeding activity of <em>C. pavonana </em>larvae was <em>&nbsp;</em>2000 ppm (choice test) and 1000 ppm&nbsp; (no choice test) (P&lt;0.05) and consider as medium antifeedant category. &nbsp;The minimum concentration showing antifeedant activity to<em> S. litura </em>larvae was 500 ppm (choice test) but &nbsp;result no choice test was showed not significant antifeedant activity (P&gt;0.05). This performance consider as &nbsp;medium antifeedant category on <em>S.litura</em> larvae at 500 ppm,&nbsp; in concentrations 1000ppm-5000ppm, the extract of <em>L. camara</em>&nbsp; were tended as attractant on <em>S.litura</em> larvae.</p> Melanie Melanie, Wawan Hermawan , Hikmat Kasmara, Azka Hayyuna Kholifa, Azka Fakhru Rozi Copyright (c) 2018 Melanie, Wawan Hermawan, Hikmat Kasmara, Azka Hayyuna Kholifa, Azka Fakhru Rozi, and Camellia Panatarani Wed, 07 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Engineering of Papaya Simplicia Powder in different size for Grouper Fish (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus lanceolatus) feed <p>Fish growth descriptions constitute the parameters which are influenced by internal and external condition. The external factors include water quality, feed quality and feed quantity. Feed quality including the simpicia papaya particle size which contains protease enzyme and saponin as additional ingredients for grouper feed. Currently, grouper’s growth is relatively low, when in fact the protein content of its feed is high. This research aims at obtaining data on charachter particle of papaya simplicia powder and the grouper’s absolute weight and grouper’s protein efficiency ratio which is fed with simplicia papaya powder. The research is conducted using Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions (A: 60 μm simplicia papaya 3.5% application, B: 100 nm simplicia papaya 3.5% application, C: 60 μm simplicia papaya 2% application, D: 100 nm simplicia papaya 2% application, and E: 0% without simplicia papaya). Simplicia papaya powder was made from dried papaya, then mashed using disc mill and filtered with sieves measuring 60 μm and 100nm and the grouper cultivation is done in a Floating Net Cage in Pangandaran Regency. The addition of papaya simplicia at A and B to the grouper’s feed has some highest average daily gain by 3.70 % and 3.73 %. The characteristics of simplisia papaya powder size 60 μm and 100 nm do not have a different effect on the growth performance of grouper seeds.</p> Rita Rostika, Achmad Rizal, Lantun P. Dewanti, M. Rudyansyah Ismail Copyright (c) 2018 Rita Rostika, Achmad Rizal, Lantun P. Dewanti, M. Rudyansyah Ismail Sun, 15 Sep 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Ability of Trichoderma harzianum in the Formulation with Carbon Fiber and Silica Nano Particles to Control Damping Off (Sclerotium rolfsii) on Soybean Plants <p><em>Sclerotium</em> <em>rolfsii</em> is one of the soil-borne pathogens that cause damping-off and stem rot on soybean plants. One effort to control damping-off, which is environmentally friendly, is by using biological agents. Antagonistic microorganism that has been studied intensively and has a great potential to control soil-borne diseases is <em>Trichoderma harzianum.</em> The objectives of this research were to comprehend the ability of <em>T. harzianum </em>in a formulation with carbon fiber 80 mesh and silica nanoparticles (NPs.) and to determine the concentration of silica NPs. in the formulation that suppresses the in vitro growth of <em>S. rolfsii</em> and control the damping-off on soybean plants. The experiment was conducted in two phases. The first phase was in vitro experiment, arranged in a completely randomized design with 11 treatments and 3 replications. The second phase was in vivo test by using randomized complete block design, with 11 treatments and 3 replications. The in-vitro test showed that each treatment with <em>T. harzianum</em> in the formulation of silica NPs. and carbon fiber 80 mesh in various concentrations was able to suppress the <em>S. rolfsii</em> growth by 58.76- 80.92%. The treatment of single <em>T. harzianum</em> caused the highest suppression on <em>S. rolfsii </em>up to 80.92%. While the results of the in vivo test showed that the highest percentage of damping-off suppression was on the treatment of <em>T. harzianum</em> only, with 60% suppression.</p> Iman Ilahiyyat, Hersanti Hersanti, Luciana Djaya, Sri Hartati, Ferry Faizal Copyright (c) 2019 Iman Ilahiyyat, Hersanti, Luciana Djaya, Sri Hartati, and Ferry Faizal Fri, 30 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0000