Additions Concentration of Encapsulant on Biang Clone Purple Sweet Potatoes "Chips" As Natural Dye Powder
The purpose of this study was to obtain maltodextrin with the appropriate concentration of purple sweet potato anthocyanin extract to produce natural dye powder preparations with the best physical and chemical characteristics. The research method used is Experimental Method) by using Group Random Design (GRD). The experiment consisted of three treatments and each was repeated four times, with the treatment obtained in cassava purple with a concentration of 35.4 mg/100gr anthocyanin extract. The next stage was to determine the best concentration of maltodextrin Consisting of four treatments and each repeated three times. The anthocyanin pigment powder of purple sweet potato with various treatments of maltodextrin concentration addition gave a significant effect on the soluble time, and yield, but did not give a significant effect on the total of anthocyanin, hygroscopicity and solubility. The treatment 10% of maltodextrin concentration addition resulted in best characteristic with total anthocyanin of 48.43 mg / L, color intensity L* (brightness) of 37.86, a* (redness) of 43.66, b* (yellow) of 21.68, water content of 5.56%, hygroscopicity of 11.62%, solubility of 97.13%, soluble time of 159 seconds, pH value of 3.04, and yield of 31.38%. The resulting
anthocyanin powder shows that the anthocyanin pigment powder of purple sweet potato with the maltodextrin concentration addition has the potential to serve as a natural dye powder for food and beverages.
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