Order Journal

We would like to invite you to subscribe Asian Community Health Nurs. Res. ACHNR published four times a year: Februari, May, August & November.

The price for our journal is RP. 75.000. per number, excluding shipping cost. Shipping cost may be varied according to the province. Please see the shipping cost list under this information.

How to order/subscribe ACHNR:

  1. Fill up the online order form >>  ONLINE FORM (Click)
  2. We will send you the invoice and payment information within 1-2 days. Otherwise, you may contact us for faster service.
  3. Please make the payment to:

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   Account No.    :   667910104
   Account Name:   IPKKI Jabar PPNI jabar 

  1. Please send us the proof of payment to desy.indra.yani@unpad.ac.id
  2. We will send you the journal after confirmation of your payment.
  3. You will receive the journal within 3 - 5 days.


If you need further information or request, please do not hesitate to contact us by email to desy.indra.yani@unpad.ac.id or WA +62 812-2075-874.