Factors Affecting Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women
Malnutrition in pregnant women has an impact on both mother and child. In children causing LBW, premature, developmental disorders, stunting. Mother, it causes chronic energy deficiency and anemia. Therefore important to conduct literature studies regarding factors that affect the nutritional status of pregnant women. This literature study is purposeful to identify the influencing factors nutritional status of pregnant women and knowing whether there are other factors besides those that have been widely studied. This study used a narrative review method. Searched using EBSCOhost, PubMed, and Google Scholar database. Keywords “pregnant women” AND “nutritional status” AND “factor”. The inclusion criteria were articles that discuss the nutritional status of pregnant women, five last years, free full text, samples of pregnant women, in English, or Indonesian. The exclusion criteria were not including volume, number, and published articles. There were 16 quantitative research articles analyzed in this study. This study found factors that affect the nutritional status of pregnant women, which could be changed and which could not be changed. There were age, parity, education, knowledge,social-economic, infectious diseases, ANC, dietary habits, occupation and origin of residence. There are other factors besides those that have been widely studied, such as caffeine intake, illiteracy, and self-efficacy. Suggestions for research, it is necessary to have further research related to nutritional status by assessing weight gain and BMI, for health workers it is better to provide health education regarding factors that may be changed in pregnant women, namely nutrition knowledge, visit ANC, and diet.
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